Manufacturer: OpenCloner Inc.
Version: 2016 13.60
The lowest price: $38.99 - 35% Off
Compare DVD-Cloner 2016's different prices on other websites
Size / OS: 11.9 MB, Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
System requirements:
Minimum configuration:
* Pentium-II 450 MHz
* 64MB of RAM
* 5GB free hard disk space for DVD-5 (10GB free hard disk space for DVD-9)
* DVD burners
* Windows XP
Recommended configuration:
* Intel Core2 CPU
* 2GB of RAM
* 10GB free hard disk space
* DVD burners, Blu-ray burners
* Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
For Blu-ray copying:
* NTFS partition
* A Blu-ray disc drive
* A Blu-ray media player
* 50GB or more free disk space.
DVD-Cloner 2016's free bonus: Stream-Cloner Lite and Open DVD Ripper 3 Lite.
DVD-Cloner 2016 13.60 is officially released!
Overall Rating :
DVD-Cloner 2017 is the one-up DVD/Blu-ray copy software in the DVD copying field. This excellent DVD copy/burn/decryption tool enables you to enjoy various copy modes. It supports for backing up newly-released commercial DVD movies much faster through bypassing all well-known DVD encryptions. It enables you to copy DVD movies to DVD discs/DVD folders/ISO files and vice versa. DVD-Cloner 2017 bundles with two free bonus programs, which are the $39.99 stream download/capture/playback software Stream-Cloner Lite and the $29.99 DVD ripping tool Open DVD Ripper 3 Lite, totally saving you $69.98. The free built-in software OpenCloner Express Center enables you to download, run, upgrade and uninstall all programs developed by OpenCloner Inc. within one program. Fifteen years' development has made DVD-Cloner a magical assistant for movie fans!
Why we pick up DVD-Cloner?
With DVD-Cloner, you can gain unparalleled quality picture perfectly.
With the innovative SRT™ technology of DVD-Cloner, you can copy and burn any latest DVD movie simply.
Under the customized DVD copy mode of DVD-Cloner, you can select the desired audio track and subtitle freely.
With the intuitive and wizard-style interface of DVD-Cloner, even beginners can make DVD copy step by step cushy.
Copy Quality(1:1 copy):
DVD-Cloner 2016 makes excellent 1:1 DVD Copy - you can hardly tell any difference between the copied DVD and the original.
Even the compressed DVD-9 to DVD-5 copy comes with little quality loss.
Copy the Latest Movies:
The inventive SRT™ technology supports for the copy of latest DVD movies.
¹: Trade names including YouTube, Hulu, Facebook, IMDB, VEVO, AOL, iFilm, My space,, Vimeo,, Movieweb,, Netflix, iTunes, Redbox and others used above are the respective trademarks of their owners.
All in all, we highly recommend DVD-Cloner 2016 for your DVD backup purpose. From DVD-Cloner's smart and cool interface to high copy quality and their technology support, it's an all-round solution that we are quite sure you will like it as well. You can also enjoy a 30-day money back guarantee from OpenCloner Inc.
Once you've purchased DVD-Cloner 2016, you'll get free bonus Stream-Cloner Lite and Open DVD Ripper 3 Lite which are totally worth $69.98!
Stream-Cloner Lite
Open DVD Ripper 3 Lite
DVD-Cloner's different versions: DVD-Cloner 2017, DVD-Cloner 2015, DVD-Cloner 2014, DVD-Cloner 2013, DVD-Cloner 9, DVD-Cloner 8, DVD-Cloner 7, DVD-Cloner 6, DVD-Cloner 5, DVD-Cloner 4, DVD-Cloner 3 and DVD-Cloner 2
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Tags: DVD-Cloner 2016, 1 Click DVD Copy, DVD neXt Copy, CloneDVD (DVDXStudios), Acala DVD Copy, DVDFab, DVD95Copy, CloneDVD(Slysoft), Best DVD Copy Software Reviews
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Can I try the trial version before I buy it?
How can I buy DVD-Cloner? What payment methods does it support?
What can the bonus software - Stream-Cloner Lite and Open DVD ripper Lite do?
How long does it take for DVD-Cloner to copy a DVD?
Can I copy my preferred sections rather than the whole DVD?
Can I use DVD-Cloner to backup my DVDs to hard drive and playback from hard drive?
Does DVD-Cloner 2017 support the backup of Blu-ray movies?
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